It didnt work. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Im setting up my kits in essentials and in permissionsEX and i keep on getting you dont have access to that command. heres my essentials kits...
For some reason i dont have the folder can i please get a reply :( -_- EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of...
yes i have a feeling you wont be able to help me
i already have chat manager and have it set to true in the config
antibot buycraft changegamemode chatmanager citizens essentials firstjoinplus founddiamonds groupmanager loyaltyexp mobarena mobdiguise...
permissions ex groups wont show up in front of their name when you people text. I really dont know what to do. my world was just messed up...
When i start up my server its fine anthen when i join it spams this random crap 15.06 21:04:56 [Server] INFO [Citizens] Loaded 13...
i dont see a players file in the world guard nvm i think i solve it but thanks for trying to help EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use...
Ok so i do /region addmember nitro (the name of the place) pongui (my name) and it says region nitro updated and when you try to modify it it...
Thank you such much i really really really apreciate this ive been trying to figure it out about 3 weeks non stop... Omg thank you So Much I love...
it shows that i added someone to a group it dosnt show that they have owner in front of there name it just says pongui (my name) its suppose to...
Separate names with a comma.