With the 1.3 update comming out around august 1st, are all my plugins going to need to be updated or no?
I keep getting this error when trying to start my server, what does it mean. 06:11:02 [SEVERE] java.io.IOException: No space left on device...
Whats the command so there is no faction tag... /f config _____ _____? I cant find out what it is, because I just want it to say [Member] Name...
2Gb, and Chestshop, Essentials, Factions, LWC. Wiating for the rest to update. I wasnt getting it before I updated to 1.2
20:19:24 [SEVERE] java.io.IOException: Received string length longer than maximum allowed (36 > 32) 20:19:24 [SEVERE] at...
Is there a command to give my faction more power without having a lot of people in it? I am a op, I just dont know the command.
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love it !
Well im using a plugin that auto restart the server like every two hours, but I mess with myworlds which unloads all the worlds so I have to load...
Yes I would (:
Is there a way to have it so when the server starts up it runs a commands?
Im runing my server on debian, and I want it to restart. NOT to shut down, how do I do that so it automatic.
Ok well I am running GM with my server, along with EssentialsGroupBridge, nChat, MineBackup, mcbans, ServerMessenger, WorldGuard, EssentialsSpawn,...
Separate names with a comma.