Same error as this man, and spams quite alot. 0.9.8 gogo ! hope its ready when im awake again xD
yes new version spams error . 20:35:12 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.NetLoginHandler.a( 20:35:12 [SEVERE]...
Ty very much, also i might hit u with some console errors, if any apply's in 20-30 min.
More like i run slot machines, on my server, + craftbook, so each time i click a sign it will activate, so maybe ure suggestion is better :) Im...
This does indeed seem to be "a lil" buggy And dont woodcutting and axes ability have same tool as trigger ? an axe? Also anyway to alter the...
Not to be a pain in the ass, would u mind throwing an release time/date ? :b my users mad at me, for not updating it yet xD
Running on 522 newest recommended, and all seem to work except that mining skill, give double drops on every block. Even though its level 0
/town set pvp off And set friendly fire to = false in config
No problem, just here to help ;)
The mayor can use the command /town deposit amount, to set money in, and /town withdraw amount to take money out. And no u cant hold an election....
Look first post ? Add the node '' if you're using permissions. No one can expand their towns without it. --- merged: Mar 6, 2011...
If you would just take 2 seconds to read your u would find those 5 lines: force_pvp_on=true [set as true for pvp overall]...
Its a new setting being implented not long ago, normally there is permissions for build, destroy and switch. But then he add'ed "i" item use, just...
To many developers promise what they cant keep ^^ Commonly seen all across the forum, but anyway R.I.P iMonster.
stupid old constructor, nag nag !
Separate names with a comma.