Gater12 public void Lottery() { taskId = Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(this, new Runnable() {...
How would I fix this? .-. The Gaming Grunts EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
I'm logged in?
The Gaming Grunts I get this error :/ [21:48:21 WARN]: [DCLottery] Task #104 for DCLottery v1.0 generated an exception...
Okay, so on my lotter plugin I'm making a lottostfu command so if someone doesn't wanna see the lottery it doesn't show up for them. I have the...
MrSparkzz This code is working other than not looping back to the normal bowtype after it goes through the types the player has permission for...
I don't know how I'd do the loop
I just really want to finish this plugin. I've been stuck on this bug for the last 2 days :(
Okay, so on my plugin I'm trying to make it loop through bowtypes that the player has permission for. So how would I make it skip the ones the...
I need to see your code to see what you did wrong. RunaDuck Nvm I see it. Remove that line you're getting an error on and put...
Okay, I will try this when I get home
The on left click isn't cycling through and letting the player use the one it has permission to for I think. Its only letting them do the slowness...
I'm trying to make a arrows plugin where with a left click with a bow it switches through the bow types, and if the player doesn't have permission...
JBoss925 This isn't working for some reason Neither of these codes are working with my code... Can...
Could I get an example of this using one of the bows, then I'll do the rest from that example? I understand what you're saying, I'm just not sure...
Separate names with a comma.