Try using Permissions 2.1
I'll PM you a download link.
The worlds Multi and Wild are displayed. EDIT: I'm doing this in the world that I can use commands in. I can only use a few commands in Wild....
I teleport to Wild first then I try to teleport back to Multi.
Here's my file.
When going from my main world to my second world there isn't any problem. But when I try to go back to my main world using "/mvtp (worldname)" I...
I'm using Permissions 2.1, so multiple files with the exact same format should be used for multi-world permissions?
Does anyone know how to setup multi-world permissions? The instructions from the yml files don't seem to help me.
Essentials is the problem. Remove it and everything should be fine. (You'll have to find other plugins if you need commands.) I actually had the...
Thanks for the info. But is there any other plugin I can use to replace essentials? What do you use? I just leave pvp control there for players...
2011-02-26 16:22:46 [SEVERE] Connection reset 2011-02-26 16:22:46 [SEVERE] at...
If it's a dedicated server, then it can run directly off the RAM. The system needs a certain amount of RAM to keep applications/services running....
You could also try using "iChat" if you're using "Permissions."
Ahh, 32-bit I expected that. There's a thing with 32-bit Windows. Java will only let you run up to 1.5GB (1500M) using the command line. I've...
What OS are you running? If it's windows I could help. EDIT: It also depends on many other factors. Not just the amount of RAM.
Separate names with a comma.