Three things. 1) Nice job catching it. I've never touched either of these plugins so I'm not entirely sure exactly how their system worked, but...
Yeah, I was actually thinking of that possibility while I was typing my post. That's a different sort of thing, though, and it's pretty much...
It's impossible to handle custom music from the server side.
Quote from the Bukkit API: public static final InventoryType CREATIVE The creative mode inventory, with only 9 QUICKBAR slots and nothing else....
That's not particularly difficult. I don't see why you'd need Spout unless you want it to actually display a block that looks like an ATM.
How do you plan to deal with people who cheat by immediately relogging when they're tagged?
Making what looks like an instance of a room is easy. Doing that for whole worlds is not.
It seems like the best way to implement something like this would be to actually have a separate world or something, and every time a new instance...
J'ai dit que ce n'est pas possible. Absolutement impossible. Konkz He's asking for something to be made multiplayer that quite honestly isn't...
Actuellement, j'ai fait plus du recherche au Spout, et a la moment, ce n'est pas possible. Possiblement quand les developeurs pour le Spout...
Je compris, mais ce ne change rien. Actuellement, c'est possible, mais on doit utiliser le Spout. Avec ca, chaque joueur a besoin du mod, mais...
He means that he wants everyone to be able to warp, but each person should have their own private set of warp points. Ex: Billy sets a warp...
Si vous voulez creer des nouveaux animaux ou monstres dans le joue, on doit utiliser un moddeur pour le client. Ce n'est pas possible en...
This seems like a plugin that would just annoy players and drive them away from your server...
To whoever makes this, I suggest hooking into Seasons. Then the only thing that needs to be done is make crop growth configurable.
Separate names with a comma.