chasechocolate is right! I'm using ProtocolLib
billman555555 What are your errors?!
mbcx2 Just look at the source code:...
Awesome! Edit: Would be awesome if you could show an output... Like how the language is returning
tommycake50 Nope the packet is in the protocol site! But it is not very helpfull
tommycake50 Assult Nope already checked packets! There is a listping packet but the only thing which you can set is a byte which you can't really...
Hey, today I found this in my list of servers: [IMG] I wonder how they created that "offline" sign in front of the connection thingi. It looks...
spoljo666 Is right! This should be in resources!
xxNightlordx If you want to spawn a NPC you should use the SpawnNamedEntity Packet. Packet14SpawnNamedEntity spawned = new...
Because you will have to download the three classes and put them into your project setup. I sent you the 3 files to download...
metalhedd foodyling I found a sense! I didn't know that before because I was a bit inactive but I remebered that I shouldn't use the parameters!...
AstramG chasechocolate Found some maybe interesting stuff with this packet which is not shown in the wiki! You can set the packet.a = 5! After the...
It's just my thing to do this... There is no sense ;) As I said you need to implement the ProtocolLib.jar and the PacketaWrapper.jar... Search...
MCCoding Found it! You can make the player like he is sitting! The concept is: spawn an invisible horse attach the player! I'm using ProtocoLib to...
Separate names with a comma.