I have the exact same problem.. and it can also occur out of the blue. My server has currently 14GB of RAM (with 2GB extra ram that's not...
It looks like this lag issue has something to do with the java.. I'm using now TCAdmin, and the guys from TCAdmin said this: "That's the CPU...
Hello.. I'm having the same issue. Tried the "-server" command too, but that didn't help me at all. Intel Xeon 5420 @ 2.5GHz 16GB RAM...
Am I the only one who gets "Internal Server Error" when I'm trying to connect to my server with this build??
Um... Vanilla 1.3 is already done?
There's nothing that says otherwise.
Anyone using the Minecraft 1.3 update to connect to a server using the current recommended build, will get disconnected with "Outdated Server" ...
Wise :) Right.. Well, then I misunderstood YOU.. Sorry about that, bro :) EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead...
Well.. Read again what I wrote.. Either I wrote something that didn't make sense, or you misunderstood me..
1.3 of the Official Minecraft Server? It's Vanilla, dude.. :/
Well, let's just hope so.. Minecraft 1.3 was only released 1 hour ago, so.. I have 1.2.5 and 1.3 server, so I'm good :) (for the time being - Miss...
Are you seriously saying that there will be an update to CB 1.3 TODAY?
People will never stop asking about CB 1.3 update.. Not until it's here. Which I think can be tonight, tomorrow, next week, two weeks, next month...
Separate names with a comma.