I do yes, thanks for advice!
Tntrun, I've set-up completely fine and I'm sure this is my fault, but for some reason the arena doesnt reset it just leaves the holes in....
Please help me with this error! http://pastebin.com/BqxLkZha bump <Merged double post - Bumping is allowed only every 24 hours - Necrodoom>
It's updated fine, but not generating a factions file.
Well, yes but then it breaks factions, one second I'll try.
http://pastebin.com/ucpWHckf Sorry about that
My server all of a sudden is taking ages to start up, this is the only error I can seem to find: http://pastebin.com/iT59Fz4C Thanks in advance.
I'm sorry I'm not retarded. I need the correct versions.
Please give me a link to a version of factions and MCcore which work together. I've tried to get the right linking versions, but it just tells me...
Good, idea, I'll update builds and see if that improves. Fixed, thank you. EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead...
Sorry, should have explained this somewhat better, the hole server cannot click them, not just me.
Somehow I have disabled clickable URLS in chat. Please help. I will give out any information needed
:3 wow I was retarded
When I try to connect on my server using my ip, not from localhost I get the following error message: 'java.net.ConnectException:Connection...
Separate names with a comma.