Except the mappings are not easy to obtain.
It looks like there are quite a few changes in bukkit since the 1.4 version, things like org.bukkit.block.BlockDamageLevel do not seem to exist...
How goes the pull request, I do not see it up yet?
Sometimes it is easiest just to treat it like a KV database instead of a SQL database, a lot easier to manage and migrate (at a lack of features...
That is true, then perhaps a select group of people that actually give proper bug reports (as I do)? A snails pace is still better then no pace....
We can all test if you want to put out dev builds, we can report what is not working and so forth?
That is exactly it, we really need a toggle for this feature (I would prefer to keep monster drops disabled except when killed directly, but my...
I had actually thought of something kind of like this before, but instead of it replacing the map I had thought of just doing 'larger' corridored...
As having been programming for more decades then I would prefer to admit, I have used a huge variety of persistence schemes ranging from LISP...
I was also just looking for a plugin that increases monster spawns but have as yet been unable to find one. Not necessarily increases it more and...
Heh, I was planning to use that plugin as well, I doubt they would interact in any way or conflict, but could not hurt to test (as I will when...
My script makes complete backups on every startup and shutdown (and during if I tell it), so that is not an issue. I just do not understand why at...
Have a question/rant. I have started using this and I have noticed a few things: - Some plugin links are not .jar's, but are .zip and the nasty...
Separate names with a comma.