Welcome Amaranth! (are you hoping to get on the Mojang boat as well? ;) ) I had already updated my server as soon as I noted 'fix for high CPU...
The good news for your (rightful) critisism: Bukkit is not being 'sponsored' by Mojang, the top of the bukkit team is hired as employees. That...
Zarius Trololol, striking my players with lightning, while they are in their underground mob-spawner-farm hideout... Somehow I suspect they wont...
Yea, annoying if someone yells something without decent arguments eh? But I do agree, Ecocreature is better for my purpose as well... because it...
FigAdmin works great for me.
There is no default permission system, its only a permissions API, that means plugins now can all simply use the same method to check if a player...
@Greylock Logblock is updated, you must use the dev builds. He keeps it working until they release Guardian (the merge/succesor of LB, BB and...
I guess that with 'simple hamachi server' you mean you are running a vanilla server on hamachi. a) You posted this in the wrong forum section,...
No offence, but I believe you are now mostly stating your own experience and insight in how to configure a(ny) plugin. DIRT: # what do you want...
*Comes back out of an long time of hibernation, because of MC1.2* *Yaaawn...* Oi, I still will have to use LB, it is starting to feel similar to...
If you add the spawner protection and the depreciating returns, we got ourselves a winner... (assuming it all works to my satisfaction). Those...
The original dev appears to have abandoned this plugin, I am looking for someone who can revive it. I really don't care if that revival is by...
Intro The old Mobbounty plugin hasn't been updated since CB 1337, it is immensly popular judging by the fact that many server admins STILL use it,...
Already included: 'Craftbukkit-1.1-R4' <- Craftbukkit for MC 1.1, 4th release. He means that the www.bukkit.org url should direct to the new...
WOW, lucky me we havn't had any trouble. Good job with the fast response. I did notice some rather important looking change notes in the CI,...
Separate names with a comma.