Yeah problem with this build, I have narrowed it down to this plugin and it seems to be making people disconnect
Mine is working fine, must be one of your plugins causing the problem
Using permissions.
I must say, you are doing a great job!
Will a dev build do? :D
I have tried that before and it will not work as I cannot get the player who has thrown it. Really need to find out how to perform a synchronous...
The problem with that is that you cannot retrieve potion n id
public void SplashPotionListener(final PlayerInteractEvent event){ System.out.println("Testing"); final Player p = event.getPlayer();...
Basically creating a cool down plugin for potions however when I use an event cancel on player interact event with splash potions however the...
I was told to use this in my event, what would you suggest for a delay I have this code: public class MyPotionListener implements Listener {...
but where would I put my event?
ahhh so I have to place it there? D:
Okay so I have the code : myPlugin.getServer().getScheduler().scheduleSyncDelayedTask(myPlugin, new Runnable() { public void run() {...
yeah just found that thanks Is there one for drinking potions? EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double...
no I want to have a cooldown between the use of potions
Separate names with a comma.