So, I am the creator of MapLoader ( and I was doing some testing when I realized that when I do my...
Wow, no kidding! Mine: Same conecpts, but rather different programming styles. slayr288 Just post...
Well, take a look at what I have when ive posted it and see if there is any way you can make it better, odds are yours is better anyway. Do you...
Ive done most of it already, thanks for offering though. However I haven't quite finished and if you send me your github username I can add you to...
Ill look into it
What version Bukkit are you using? I have not updated to 1.3.1 specifically, though it shouldnt have broken. Also, can you post your conf file?
Thank you, i did see that, i have just been hoping that there might be a workaround someone might have found. It would be nice if Bukkit were able...
I noticed, and i tried with EntityType.Player but it didnt work
Hmm, good idea, ill try that.
Sorry for my misunderrrstanding, Yes, still do it there, but when you create your listener class, pass in the the constructer the current Object...
Sorry, this should work. This would be in a listener class, if you need help with that ask. @EventHandler public void...
Player p = <something>; if(p.hasPermission("thing.canCreate")){ //do whatever. }
A good idea, but i tried that too.
Separate names with a comma.