bwfcwalshy I believe Disguisecraft has an API and has a DisguiseEvent of some kind, hook into that?
richboynl I'm not completely sure what you mean, is it either of these? Option 1) When you break a block, it will only add to the block counter...
Funnycube Oops, my bad, I uploaded the wrong version. Hmmm.. override will cause allow it to rename existing item names, for example if you have...
Funnycube Done. Added the following to the latest config: display.lore (true) - Should the counter display in the lore (otherwise item name)?...
This isn't the most clear, you want to right click an anvil with any damaged item (diamond helmet, gold sword, wooden pick), and it will take 10...
I'm not too knowledgeable about these rules, but it doesn't "modify" the plugin, it adds to it, likely using the API that DisguiseCraft already...
As best I understand this, I have created a plugin. This plugin allows OP's to create armor that will keep applying potion effects to the wearer...
nite Oops, I didn't consider that possibility.. I've fixed that now and re-uploaded. Should work fine, although I will fix any bugs or add any new...
Yeh, I'll throw it up on my website for now:
Ok, done this for you quickly. You can customize the me message in the config as well as if the lore shows up on tools/items/blocks), although be...
If it looks a bit too jerky, you could check if the player has moved an entire block before teleporting, this will make the player teleport a lot...
Well, for get server, you don't need to fetch it through your plugin, you can use this: for (Player p2 : Bukkit.getServer().getOnlinePlayers()) {...
This website should give you a list of commands along with their permissions: For example, /help...
When you don't run through the batch file, you don't get the console view, its always been like that, but when you run the batch file, is it...
What error message do you get when you can't connect?
Separate names with a comma.