@mcdorli How about this: https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/WorldCreator.html#generatorSettings(java.lang.String)
@mcdorli so you're saying that there is no other way but to create your own custom world generator?
@mcdorli Presets: http://prntscr.com/982kqu http://prntscr.com/982l3x
@Mrs. bwfctower yea pretty much
How do I create a world with bukkit api and mess around with presets?
@CoolDude53 Sry me ruski no speak london XDDDD tnx dude :3
I'm trying to get data from a table to a ResultSet but it always gives me this error in syntax: [05:59:03 WARN]:...
@Scimiguy yea I found the problem I registered the custom entity as a Villager(120) not as a Zombie(54) -.-. anyways guys thanks for all your...
@Scimiguy I tryed that and i know that a zombie villager is a zombie entity but it always just gives me a normal villager @Override public...
I tryed using NMS and the standard bukkit API but it always spawns a normal villager
@mcdorli Um is it a problem if i use northerknight.com for my package naming? I mean it is my username :/
Im trying to name a custom inventory with a string but it gives a whole bounch of errors event tho I check the string before passing it in and it...
1. I tryed to set it as a Villager with the bukkit API still gives me only a normal villager for(Entity e : loc.getChunk().getEntities()) {...
I'm trying to get a zombie villager but it always just spawns a normal villager :/ I tryed overriding 2 methods: @Override public boolean...
Yea fixed the naming issue with overriding the setName but i still couldnt get the yaw and pitch to not change because its in a private method
Separate names with a comma.