ahh i see, doesn't java execute code from top to bottom, so how can i set the meta after i launch the firework?
its in this code
What is making the firework spawn in the code i have provided?
Thanks, im a bit new to this, so i looked at example code to look at fireworks launching. im assuming this fires the firework...
Hey guys, im looking at setting of a firework at the locations where the arrow is passing through, so as the arrow is flying it sets of fireworks...
Garris0n ahh sorry, i want to so that World Guard decides if a player can break a block or not I found how to fix it, here. @EventHandler...
Hey guys, so at the moment i have a block break event, and when i'm in a region area with build deny on i can still break the snow block. Is there...
and thanks, but this is what happened when pasted in http://gyazo.com/66902830af1a26bd777b6f5dc1464055.png
not very helpful for the bukkit forums then lol Edit: saw your edit, and i now see
Hey, i have a error at the bottom } is red underline. package com.saicogaming; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import...
fireblast709 The_Doctor_123 Goblom So much choice! Goblom can i make it equalsignorecase? which is the best to use :/
fireblast709 Perfect thanks!
Hey guy, i wanted to check if the /jmp on the "on" part shows that the work is actually on. so i wanted too check is the args[0] is the word...
ยง This whole part get a red line under it! if (cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("ignite")) { // Make sure that the player specified exactly one...
Separate names with a comma.