sadly there will (eventualy) be Minecraft 1.2.5 next week ... but nice job!
the Metrics server is back online... the errors should be gone. .. the Wiki still has problems... but in a few minutes even this should be fixed!
it DOES NOT have anything to do with YOUR server... LWC trys to contact the Domain "" but this Domain...
seems like their Server is Offline. So the "usage tracking utility" inLWC canot connect to its "homeserver" neither find any new versions. HTTP...
I found a fork of this plugon today on Github... for those who want to compile themselfs --> lostkhaos...
I think this is a MC (vanilla) related problem. MC doesnt support incomming german special letters (äöüß) either. ingame you are able to text...
hm... each time a player joins my server i get a massive Lag (for about 4 to 6 seconds) this is due to this plugin, because it only occures when...
try using to connect to your prefered server and channel. is also possible to integrate this into a selfmade website... or search for a...
Hey, using your Plugin for a few weeks now... but there are a few things i want to ask you for.... is it possible to remove the channel prefix...
what about "pinning" the Items to the specified inventory slot? so, if you spawn a feather in slot[0] (first quickuse slot) and move it to another...
is it possible, to add the accepting user to a specific group rather than only allow him to build? or do that optionally and maybe additionaly to...
hey there first of all, this plugin is really nice. i had only one little error spawning in nightmare (needed to reset the spawnpoint via...
@Thulinma thank you for your great work, but Please, start a new topic... its kinda anoying, if you have to search all the posts for the latest...
yep it does =( atleast with those 3 or 4 i tried. did so... same problem. the URL to tune in is like that (same as the URL in my playlist...
hi there, seems, that I've got a problem with playing webradio files. (using 0.8c in both, plugin and Client + permissionsbukkit 1.2...
Separate names with a comma.