Nathan C
Last Activity:
Aug 17, 2014
Jan 10, 2011
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Nathan C

Member, Male, from Minnesota

Nathan C was last seen:
Aug 17, 2014
      1. Nathan C
        Nathan C
        Because you have the funniest posts. ;p
        Aug 10, 2012
      2. JOPHESTUS
        Aug 10, 2012
    2. JohnTheRipper
      So how exactly are you editing posts "2,934,203,404 times"?
      1. Nathan C
        Nathan C
        It's a sig lol =D
        Jun 30, 2012
      2. JohnTheRipper
        Oh lol.
        Jul 1, 2012
    3. JohnTheRipper
      Hetzner dropped setup fees down by quite a bit. Impressive...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. JohnTheRipper
        And really, the biggest reason I don't want to move is because setting back up Apache, Munin, iftop, sendmail, java, etc would be a major pain in the ass.
        Jun 1, 2012
      3. Nathan C
        Nathan C
        Yeah, I am waiting for OVH to move to Canada. Hopefully they will have new plans by then.......

        Just was mad that I could of got one of those cheaper now! Although they are just 7200 RPM drives....meh and it would cost lots more just to get them, with the flexipack crap. I could not live without an SSD now. RAMdisks are no longer feasible, when I have multiple 3+ gig worlds.
        Jun 1, 2012
      4. Nathan C
        Nathan C
        And like I said too. If I had the deal you are getting through YesUp, I would never leave them. XD
        Jun 1, 2012
    4. JohnTheRipper
      So I realized my yesup server can push over a gigabit through the 'net. Dual ethernet ports! And both of them are internet-facing!

      Oh, and I almost bought a hetzner server yesterday, but changed my mind. It had a i7-975, 12GB RAM, 3x 1.5TB HDD and 5TB @ 100mbps... For $60/mo...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Nathan C
        Nathan C
        Oh god, it also seems that YesUp has increased their prices.

        Used to be $49 for a i3-1230 and 8 gigs, but now it is $89! Still not a bad price, but a huge change.

        Also $162 for a i3 2100 and 16 gigs, when it used to be $89.......that is just pure rip off, holy cow.
        May 23, 2012
      3. JohnTheRipper
        Yep, prices increased within the last week or two, but bandwidth also increased.

        I think I'm going to try out RAID 1 and/or a SSD at some point, but I'm holding off for now.

        I just learned the hard way that changing the system time while running vnstat is a bad idea. fml, now my entire May logs are destroyed.
        May 23, 2012
      4. JohnTheRipper
        Oh wait, bandwidth increased only for some of them. Eh, Datashack might be a better deal for i3s now, since you get extra IPs and 10x the bandwidth, but I've heard some horror stories about them.
        May 23, 2012
    5. JohnTheRipper
      My WHT login isn't working, what's your SSD's speed? Test it with hdparm please :)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Nathan C
        Nathan C
        Although somehow I pull 95 read and 70 write :D
        Mar 19, 2012
      3. JohnTheRipper

        Here's my drive.

        [root@a304 ~]# hdparm -t /dev/sda

        Timing buffered disk reads: 394 MB in 3.01 seconds = 130.96 MB/sec
        Mar 19, 2012
      4. Nathan C
        Nathan C
        LOOL, yep.. The 32 GB SSDs are slow as hell. If you are looking for more speed, just get another HDD for $5 or a SAS one for $10.
        Mar 19, 2012
    6. JohnTheRipper
      1. Nathan C
        Nathan C

        Are you DepotVPS shane on LET?
        Mar 17, 2012
      2. JohnTheRipper
        Oh god no. I'm JTR.
        Mar 17, 2012
    7. JohnTheRipper
      When you were with Yesup, did you have to pay their 6% tax rate? I was thinking of switching to them for the sandy bridge CPU and gigabit line (with my usage, 1TB is enough bw), but 6% tax sucks...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Nathan C
        Nathan C
        I didn't' have them touch the SSD. I mounted that myself, as /ssd later. My startup script handles all the symlinks and make sure the worlds are symlinked from the disk to the SSD.

        Works great so far, no issues.
        Feb 29, 2012
      3. JohnTheRipper
        I'll just say I want centos 6 minimal, and let them do whatever they want partition-wise, then scp all my data from my old dedi and update dns.
        Feb 29, 2012
      4. JohnTheRipper
        Sometime down the line I'll get a SSD, but a plain old drive is more than enough for now.
        Feb 29, 2012
    8. stickmenz
      After 4 days of begging for support from a company and them telling you to F. off, then our community gets pretty enraged at losing $200 in donations. For you to say we are whining, well you are right.. But we gave NFOservers 4 days to correct the problem. Now, we have decided to use a different approach and pressure them to do what is right.
    9. Nathan C
      Nathan C
      1. JohnTheRipper
        Feb 28, 2012
    10. JohnTheRipper
      Did you ever try that SSD from Yesup?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. JohnTheRipper
      3. Nathan C
        Nathan C
        Yeah, I too am going to be moving most likely:

        Intel® Xeon® E3-1245 Quadcore
        16 GB DDR3 RAM ECC
        2 x 3 TB 7200 rpm (Software-RAID 1) Enterprise class
        Jan 17, 2012
      4. JohnTheRipper
        Who's offering that?
        Jan 17, 2012
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