Manifest-Version: 1.0 Class-Path: mail.jar Referenced libraries & Manifest location: [IMG] Manifest...
Still didn't get a specific answer :( All I find is a playerdata inside the worlds folder and that has UUIDs, so 1234-FAKEUUID-5678.dat (as an...
So I didn't get a specific answer: Does it use UUID to check if the UUID of the player defined exists or does it check if the player with only...
I assume it checks if the username has played before or it gets the UUID of the player and then checks if that UUID played before. Just need to...
Tell me when it's done, I can't seem to find it, so I'll assume you're still making it, anyways thanks again! :)
Yeah, I do, it has text in it, my plugin.yml works, but not the config file :P
Hey, that didn't work, the config didn't get coppied. What's wrong with BCBroz? Thanks for your response.
This is my code for the main class: It uses getConfig().options().copyDefaults(true); the method that BCBroz...
Use PortMapper, a tool created in Java that port forwards for you. Here is the download link and a tutorial, since I'm feeling kind....
Thanks you both! I thought it returned the location of the bukkit file. Thanks so much again! :) Do you guys know if it's possible adding...
Separate names with a comma.