disable the auto refresh feature.
safe:/geocache = >>> assign(@location,ploc()) assign(@randomx,rand(500,1000)) assign(@randomz,rand(500,1000)) assign(@random, rand(0,1))...
ahh i forgot about this, we redid it in CommandHelper, i can share the script if interested
MuttsWorld is going! We will be speaking on the multiplayer panel :D
currently this mod is broken, we have a remake coming within the next week or so of this plugin on muttsworld
Is iconomy running on your server at all? or does it just fail at startup.
Become familiar with the command line first, install linux dual boot or something and see if you want to deal with it.
i literally have tens of thousands of chests locked with this plugin on my server. and the bugs that are cropping up are getting worse. fear in...
Players able to level up skills in areas where no pvp is allowed through worldguard. This was resolved before but now appears broken again....
Separate names with a comma.