I mean the motd property in the server.properties. This MotD gets displayed at the server list of minercraft clients. My solution: try {...
Ah, I must have overlooked that. =D And how could I get the MOTD?
Hey :) How can I get the default game mode with a server instance? The default game mode is set in the server.properties.
Sorry for bumping an older thread, but I need help with it again. How can I save and load the sign direction as a string (an integer would be nice...
Push. Any way to make it possible?
Hey :) How can I remove all WorldGuard flags from a ProtectedRegion instance with the WorldGuard API?
Sorry, pasting mistake, there's an "user.setOp(true)" before user.chat(). ^^ So, it's bukkit's fault? Glad to know, I was already in despair. =D...
Hey :) That's my code to hook into other plugin commands: Boolean op = user.isOp(); blocked.add(user.getName()); user.chat("/command");...
Works now, thanks a lot. :D
[spoiler] I am getting this error when I start my server with Test.jar. I added WorldEdit.jar as external jar to my Java Project. Code after class...
Ah, great. :) Is there a way to get the selection points of a player with wE API?
When can I expect to can get use of it? :)
How do I do this exactly with Regios API or wE API? =) Btw, I want to do it with code, not ingame. ^^
Hey :) How can I paste a .schematics file at a given location? Is there actually a way?
So, how should the code look like? =)
Separate names with a comma.