oops sorry :D didn't read that :3
mncat77 may you explain what attributes are used for :3 i have never heard about them :D
then don't forget to call "plugin = this;" in your onEnable method
make sure that "plugin" is not null and "ExplodePower" exists in your config
Hello MiniDigger, probably yes :D but there is one in the "mc-dev" repository.
Hello Notorious-Riddler, Im pretty sure you have an title mistake in your code: :3 if (inventory.contains(itemstack)) { // if the player has an...
really? wow thats a quite cool feature :D try use the Packet0x18MobSpawn :3 http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/using-the-boss-health-bar.99607/
something like that yes otherwise you could just use an "POST" request or use JSONAPI to access your data's form your website.
call that in your onEnable method. this.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(YOUR LISTENER, this);
and what exactly is the problem with your code? is it throwing exceptions or what is it doing? edit: try replace...
Hello Josh014, I don't think you can, because its client side. :3 For Further reading:...
Hello callum.thepro, try use this as your config: arenas: list: - fish: location: x: 0 y: 0 z: 0 world:...
Bukkit.getServer().dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getPlayerExact("playerhere"), "heal"); or just:...
you don't have to because everyone started learning java at some point. so its pretty normal to make mistakes like that. :3
Separate names with a comma.