I just need plugin to do homes for each world, so one player can get one home per world and also support mysql since I like to add a small web...
I love MyHome over the rest the only reason I looked at HomeSpawnPlus was due to MyHome not working on 1.1, but you may want to look I'm pretty...
HomeSpawnPlus and MyHome do the same job, HomeSpawnPlus has a few features like spawn control as well. Kinda confused you have them both working...
http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/weathergods/ I love this plugin and want to keep using it but it has not been updated and there where some...
Thank you so much for the update, keep up the great work guys it means a lot.
Recommended build for 1.0.1 and the 1.1 non-recommended build was posted above.
I have no cluse how I missed this, I made a JIRA that needs to be closed. I am going blind.. it was right in front me the whole time.
Nice. Thank you for the update!
Separate names with a comma.