Maybe... maybe not. I've noticed a few times on Twitter Notch's attitude towards "in-game purchases" in games as being a cancer to the soul of...
I reject your defined use of irony and the words of "dissing" are your choice not mine. I'm simply stating facts, the fact is there are existing...
Welp.. turns out i was wrong and overlooked how fiscally smart the company can be. So basically they buy Mojang and use it as a way to offset cash...
I suspect they'll lock down the Terms/Conditions to protect the IP while they hatch out a plan. Technically server mods have always been in a...
FYI hehehe [IMG]
It's a community message about an existing open source project that can help folks who want to start moving away from bukkit given well... bukkit...
Nope on all accounts and (yes we're all aware of who's who in the little geek celeb pool). I'm merely poking fun at how the overall situation is...
The timelines heavily depend on projects like MCP. In the end deobsfucating the Minecraft server jar is not an easy to do from scratch but if you...
Yeah but one thing that keeps gnawing away at me with Sponge is this. The time from File-New to where Bukkit/Craftbukkit is today is going to take...
At times the community feels like this quick sketch [IMG]
CanaryMod has the same origins as bukkit (hMod) and has been around since 2010. We've just pushed out a 1.0 release that's compatible with 1.7.2...
I've spoken to two reporters privately about this and whilst they are reporting what they hear etc they don't subscribe to it. Reasons: Mojang...
Well my intent is definitely not to offend so it draws negative attention I'll definitely retract the graphic.
Its not an ad, it's just a graphical helpful advice to folks who want an alternative while the debate between its future continues.
Awesomedanguy As far as I know, no. We have a member of the CanaryMod Team listening and working with Sponge on an advisory standpoint but...
Separate names with a comma.