Enable it in the config file within your plugin directory. mchate: enable: true eHealthNotify: false eHealthAchievement: false...
Myself umm, I normally break even with my co-location costs of £120 - I have made £200 in one month which was very nice. But only went on server...
Err I'm getting a weird problem. If I type "/lb rollback" on it's own it will restart the server. 2011-12-24 19:36:08 [WARNING] [LogBlock]...
Everytime someone rejoins, they are spawning at spawn. Every single time. I'm running latest dev of nether-portals and multiverse-core. Anyway...
But with any luck, I highly doubt you will be able to find someone wanting to challenge their skill-sets for a non-profit. Best of luck.
Sounds like another overselling VPS company to me. I would imangine his CPU is: 3.7 GHz RAM: 7GB - Overkill, but i'll work. Storage: You don't...
Spout: Failed to authenticate x's client in 200 server ticks. Spout: Failed to authenticate y's client in 200 server ticks. I seem to be getting...
1.6, I haven't had the chance to get on my server to update yet. I'll update soon and let you know.
Err, is Gravel and Sand disabled? as I receive this: [IMG] So far it's gravel and sand that's causing it. Has it something to do with "...
That makes sense to the Update :). Is a bit unfortunately, as I run MCMyAdmin to monitor my server when at work. Unfortunately the server/chat...
Anyway to get rid of "Saved block data!" " Loaded block data!" messages? Otherwise, one small bug of "Unable to update BCS" and the Spamming of...
Doesn't appear to be changing the persons name above their head. Is this broken or am I not doing something correctly? - Sprout is installed and...
Ah ok :) Question: Is #1181 stable with LogBlock?
It may of been someone has died with a lot of EXP orbs and are whoring out the server - Happens a lot with mine.
Easy. Within MCMyAdmin, click on the "About" Tab at the top. Then click on "Updates" on the left Then click on "Update/Install Bukkit" This will...
Separate names with a comma.