Thanks! What's the Perms node for it, or is it part of one of the existing ones?
I only let Mods use it normally, and people who are just wanting to build with no distractions. It was not just for getting back to your death...
I had to remove Essentials plugin recently (for various reasons) and this is the one function that most of my players are missing a lot. I have a...
I've been on here a fair amount but have never got around to learning how to make plugins (or code for that matter), so if someone could throw...
Sorry, I have to agree with @Ranzear. As far as I'm aware, most people make changes to plugin settings by adding the changes to the configs, then...
We've found an issue with this plugin. If you have multiple of the tool you are repairing (i.e. have 2 diamond pickaxes), it deletes the extras...
I spotted this on the NPC plugin thread, wasn't sure if it would help with the NPC plugin conflict. The unreg'd people not voting is not such a...
Apparently my NPC's count as real players on voting plugins, e.g. TimeAndWeatherControl. This means that when someone is on the server wanting...
It didn't work regardless of putting the code in the config in both the folders, and was spamming my logs with errors relating to being unable to...
Well, the WorldGuard regions are now working again, and people can no longer PvP in 'no-PvP' flagged regions. However, it's still not preventing...
It's been mentioned a few times, do people not read the thread before posting? Make sure you're looking at a block that's close to you (within...
See my previous post to this exact question Here. Wow, people don't seem to be good at the 'Search thread' function on this forum do they? :(
Read 2 posts up... Looking at the floor when you eat seems to help.
I think I had this issue to start with, are you using the 'Suite' download? I manually downloaded the Forgery.jar from the "Current Levels"...
I used the following very basic config to try and stop players in the 'Unregistered' group (my 'default' group in Permissions 3.x) from griefing...
Separate names with a comma.