Hi Im having a problem my names are showing in normal colours and it wont show the group. so like [world][][bloodraptor] <--no colours...
The npcs always get up after reloading or restarting and I have to get my backup turn my server off and use the backup file to get them working. i...
How do I roll back burning with this cause loads of my players wood houses have been burnt I know who did it I rolled back their actions but it...
k thanks but are you sayin that most plugin devs will be adding support for the built in bukkit permissions. is their a guide showing how to use...
Hey are they fixing the problem where if you reload the server the npc file gets messed up Bugs i hav found: 1.dissapearing npcs (already found by...
@Chewing-Gumm Can you make it so that we can add the help pages for any rank we want? also for the global help maybe something like /help general...
Just asking is the server reloading problem gonna be fixed? cuz its really anoying everytime I want to reload I have to kick everyone out server...
Yeah I did while server was off started it up and it works fine. Thanks a lot for all the help I wont bug you anymore :)
Hey whenever I reload the server with the following config: '0': basic: name: Guard color: 15 look-when-close: true...
Nvm my previous post I forgot about my mob config gile. Its all working now thanks a lot! :D
They removed perms 3 support ?! NOOOOOOOO
yeah I saw what you said I did everything you said but it still doesnt work :(. I dont want to bother but could you take a lookat my npc profiles...
It keeps saying citizens 1.9 isnt up to date Im using craftbukkit 1000 and Im still getting the continous error I was getting in my last post...
Hey could anyone tell me whats wrong with my config file because everytime I type /help or /help 1 it just says [Server] Empty Page. Config:...
just found this: 19:09:04 [INFO] SimpleHelp V1.8.1 Enabled! 19:09:04 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling SimpleHelp v1.8.1 (Is it up to...
Separate names with a comma.