bump! great idea piggy :)
http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/mech-fun-rpg-darkbrotherhood-v1-5-1-climb-walls-assassinate-players-and-more-1060.31141/ not sure if you need to...
yeah :)
like if you could look down at a map, and have a picture on it instead of just the terrain around you
doesnt... mobdisguise already do this? ??? ??????????????????????? *sigh*
Hello! So, i'm basically looking for a plugin that can make it possible to edit/create what is on maps (the item, not the actual world map). Maybe...
efstajas thehutch ok ok, im sorry XD that was just an opinion based on personal experience I have found what I needed/wanted, thank you everyone :)
romobomo spout is glitchy and very incovenient. @lmsoscared the plugin starts but whenever you try to play notes or a song two errors come up and...
ahhh thank you so much!! :D
Would somebody please update this plugin?...
Plugin category: Fun/Music Suggested name: NoteBlocks A bit about me: I'm trying to make a song for my train station that I'm building in the...
yay! thanks quaz :) Do you have an estimate when the next release will be?
hmm maybe like the following? -qQuest.*" - Allows all these sub permissions -"qQuest.give" for /q give -"qQuest.info" for /q info...
Separate names with a comma.