Amazing, only bug i found so far is the cloth, when ever you use a dyed piece of wool, it applyes one block of colored wool and then the stack...
Getting Error when trying to use the download link ?
Any hope for a future feature? Such as /npc create guard /npc setskin (player with a guard skin) So we can pick our own names for the NPCs?
Edit I cracked it Works Amazingly Thank you for making this possiple :P
Hey Cybran I think you have done an amasing job here. Theres two things i would like to see if possiple :) 1. When launching server im getting a...
@david Diaz I love the work youve done here, its a great plugin for my server. I have a small request though, hoping you can help me out here....
Sorry for the slow reply here. The commands is not the issue, the plugin should work on all on startup which it does not atm. I have read the...
Yes im new here :) And ive tryed that one, It does not work with start up. I have to type the exact command everytime in log on the server...
Yush like classic that would be great :P
Hey there, ive spend hours now searching the bukkit forums for some plugins, but i have been unable to find these. Im not sure they are out there...
Separate names with a comma.