Thank you for your response. We figured out it was actually Buycraft that was causing the problem. Towny is working great, thank you for your...
Alrighty, it's been a while since I've been on here so I hope I'm not posting something TOO redundant. Version: CraftBukkit 1.1 R3 My...
If you don't have superbridgeperms then I don't think the * permissions will work at all. You'll have to put all the permissions in individually....
Here's my config for the PLAYER_QUIT problem in post #282. [SPOILER] And here's my permissions.yml [SPOILER]
Sorry to add another to the list of probably dumb posts, but this is what I'm getting with BukkitPermissions and the superpermsbridge along with...
I shall check this out, my good man
I love you all
This looks really nice. I'll be watching this thread for when I need to manage the amount of people on the server :P
I would just like to say y'all are awesome and I've been waiting for someone to take this plugin completely on their shoulders and drive it...
I took report to be really bad and avoided at all costs D:
I've also been looking forward to this plugin, I'm happy to hear that your pc is hanging in there. Much love if you can get it out without...
Figured permissions was the easiest way to have multiworld support :P Thanks and looking forward to it :D
I'm looking to allow people to teleport as well as disallowing people from capturing others in their towns on the survival map but then using this...
I run towny on a survival map and a pvp nether map and want just the nether map to have this jail function to avoid issues. Is there a way you...
Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for the great plugin :)
Separate names with a comma.