I'm running OpenJDK, will it not work with this one? OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.10.6) (rhel- OpenJDK 64-Bit...
Sounds great, i've been looking for something like that for a long time, but: 2012-06-25 19:41:37 [INFO] This server is running CraftBukkit...
Already done :D Use McMyAdmin or Remote Toolkit, both of them have a crash detection ;)
Is there any way to donate? :)
Possible to add PermissionsBukkit support? I would like to use it :)
Me too cuddylier :D
Thank you :D A little question: the permission is just "noclip"? Normally i test by myself but i am online with my phone ^^
Posible to hook into iChat? To dispay the Prefix/suffix in chat?
There are several plugins for creating extra whitelists. I think essentials have an option to edit the buildin whitelist with a command (whitelist...
Use the build in Whitelisting of minecraft, just put the names of the players in you would like to join. Why try to whitelist with permissions? ^^
How many? I have 50+ Plugins and no problem to set up with this ;)
Possible to censor !!!!!!!!!!!!!! and ?????????????? ?
Posible to add PSC (paysafecard) support, or is this to "complex"?
Possible to create on every startup/restart a new log file and rename the old one?
Can i see the Console with this?
Separate names with a comma.