Senexor NP :) Btw: CTRL + SHIFT + F formats all code and makes it for you easier to understand what happens there
coolzein Could you post the error in the console please?
Senexor if (!player.hasPermission("kitpvp.kit.pvp")) there is a '{' missing
int full = player.getName().length(); int half = full / 2;
PizzaPixel well it doesn't looks like you know how to, because you just asked me what a player is and how to define it lol
What is line 38 in your code?
Well, sorry, I can't explain everything.. Try out this post by @Adamki11s
men8 POTION_BREAK is something different then SMOKE.. Here are all effects: Oh, and you...
Soo, what isnt working with this code?
PizzaPixel Well p is the Player
you could do something like that: List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String key :...
PizzaPixel Well first we set the players xp to 1. Then we start a repeating timer and assign it id. every 2 ticks the players xp bar will be set...
final int ID; p.setExp(1); ID = Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(plugin, new Runnable() { public void run() { p.setExp(p.getExp()...
I think the error message sais it all: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot drop AIR.
Well then probably the variable sb is null. Try to make some debug messages like System.out.println(sb);
Separate names with a comma.