Yay :D
This? http://pr3datorcraft.com/stats/vote.php
Really you can't have offline mode for bukkit now? How am i gonna test my plugins D: TnT Like I need it for testing playerlogger, command water...
EMP Bomb in your house D:
World guard settings
Well you must of set up the PHP wrong!
Yuck firefox
D: you replied fast, using the bukkit notify plugin for chrome thingy?
You have votefier installed right? And this problem is due to the event not the MySQL adding bit I did. javoris767 FIX IT NAWWW IT'S YOUR FAULT D:
Well I'm the maker he didn't make it Mwhahaha Does the tekkitserverlist use voterfier? and is the member in game? EDIT by Moderator: merged...
blame javoris767
Separate names with a comma.