Oh man that's great! Perfect timing as I'm moving servers next week too! I may be ignorant but I've looked at the minequest site and couldn't...
I've been looking around for a bit and ran the plugin. But I must ask, does this support multiworld?
That's great! Pity I can't seem to find the wiki info though =<
Agreed. This gave me issues with Heavenlymob as well. Yes. We understand PERFECTLY thank you. However as stressful it is to maintain this...
Ok... I like to say this plugin seemed to do wonders... until 0.6 My server save seems to have multiple issues and loading all my plugins WITHOUT...
Aw shoot. I can't use without Permissions or Groupmanager? =<
I'm wondering this as well, I was wondering if I could use this plugin to define towns on my server but if unidentified zones are protected that...
Ok! Report time! Ran this on the server last night and the result was wonderful. On client and server-side. Performance aside I needed to switch...
This. looks. EPIC 0.0 Will try on my server today and report results 8D Got a quick question, mind you I'm no Java programmer or anything XP...
Like the confess plugin and I shall try this as well >D Good job =D
And the problem is solved without an tech knowledge once again... Aidan... I think we're too good. XDDD CAKKEE[cake][cake][cake]
The cake is not a lie >D Hope to see you again when we're helping another confused one XD
All the techiness was totally out of place in the end:D Wow... good job... but this is hilarious XD
At least we clarified that the issue is the setup so all you need to do is fix that! =D Then you can get back to 1.5! Good luck! I hope you can...
My thoughts exactly. There would at least be something popping up in the console otherwise if I am not mistaken. However... this cake is...
Separate names with a comma.