I have a few questions /requests: Is the github up to date? Could someone update the Java Doc with the classes? Is the WorldDataHolder no longer...
I just tried it with 617 and it refused to create a config file for me D: I´m not sure if this problem occured because of the new build or because...
I think it is because of the newer craftbukkit builds. I got the most recent build and i get the same errors as stated before
I may be interested in a collaboration. I have some (quite small) experience in plugin coding. I am working on a plugin myself and maybe we could...
Ahhh i feel kind of stupid now but ohh well ; thanks a bunch to Raphfrk it seems like you have to setFrom , setTo and teleportTo all at once in...
First of all thanks for the moving into this subforum. But from what i have tried the warning is not related to a teleport into a wall because i...
Whener I try to use teleportTo(location) or setTo(location) i get a warning , that says: "[WARNING]"+Player+" moved wrongly! Got position...
You might need something like : player.getLocation().getBlockX(); This will give you the X coordinate of the block your player is using ; this...
Separate names with a comma.