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Dec 17, 2012
Feb 16, 2011
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marinating was last seen:
Dec 17, 2012
    1. nickmcski
      Would it be possible for you to send me the source code for your door shield plugin i wanted to update it so it could be used on my server
      1. joshua katz
        joshua katz
        If you want that updated just send me a pm.
        Aug 13, 2012
    2. ogr93
      Its very fantastic the plugin of dungeon , it will the best if you put one option to delete the dungeon when a player take the treasures or respawn the treasures in 5 minut
    3. ooblah21
      hey dude, i REALLY wanna talk to you. I would love it if you added me on Skype and we could talk sometime. "ZachEsMuyAwesomeo69" (Don't worry, i speak English :p) Or you could text me (559)443-9832. IDK where you live, but I'm way out in California so I really don't know what time you would be on. I hope you add/text me!!

      -ooblah21 :)
    4. Jardin5
      Hey man how much would i need to pay to have you make me a custom version of demigods? And also how much for you to be a plugin develepor for random things we need on my server?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Jardin5
        :) awesome i will contact you next month about a pay-per-plugin creation idea :)
        Oct 14, 2011
      3. Jardin5
        Also with demigods in the config file your Adding will that include the ability to add custom gods? And remive abilitys we dont want demigods having? Such as explosions and slowing time???
        Oct 15, 2011
      4. marinating
        You won't be able to add custom gods but you can change which abilities the gods/titans can have.
        Oct 15, 2011
    5. tmr
      Are you working on an AutoItem/AutoBlock as a replacement for Autoreplace plugin by another auther?
      1. marinating
        I"m pretty sure the other author was doing that, I only did tools.
        Aug 13, 2011
      2. tmr
        I see I must have misunderstood, here's his post about it:

        AutoReplace is splitting into two plugins called AutoBlock and AutoItem and will be "cousins" of AutoWeapon, AutoTool, and AutoFood that are being made by @marinating. All these together will make a suite of sorts and will all work together.
        Aug 14, 2011
      3. marinating
        I'm not doing AutoItem or AutoBlock, but I may revise my code to do AutoWeapon/Tool/Food. That's what the post meant.
        Aug 14, 2011
    6. Henkjehh
      is it able to make a plugin wich allows you to grab someone with your hand so that he cant move until he hits you?
      1. marinating
        No to the first part, yes to the second.
        Jul 29, 2011
      2. Henkjehh
        so it is yes? because i don't mean an animation, just that you get a message or something, that you have grabbed that player and he can't move until he hits you
        Jul 29, 2011
    7. Forge_User_63317986
      How can i contact you?
      1. marinating
        Bukkit's personal message system, Skype if you donate :D
        Jul 3, 2011
    8. SamiAji
      Hey. Can you add me on Skype or MSN? I have some questions about DemiGods, and I need it to work with some of my plugins. I'll pay.

      My Skype: r0binx0wnz
      MSN: [email protected]
    9. ThorSve33
      You sir, make the epicest plugins EVAR. I <3 some AutoTool...I'd use them all, but my server doesn't have the memory :(
    10. vanZeben
      Great job on the Demigods, looks very fun :)

      Also if you wouldn't mind what texture pack were/are you using in your demigods video?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. vanZeben
        tbh thats what I liked most about the pack. Periodic table ftw!
        Jun 26, 2011
      3. marinating
        Download the new version from the same link.
        Jun 26, 2011
      4. vanZeben
        <3 thank you so much. Keep up the great work on it, it looks sexy as hell
        Jun 26, 2011
    11. Kameoxylon
      Awesome work on Demigods! What are the blocks required for Athena, Ares, Hyperion, and Typhon?
      1. marinating
        Click on a gold block with the specified item in hand. To see the specified item for each god, look them up with /dg.
        Jun 20, 2011
    12. Henkjehh
      demigods is so awesum awesum awesum awesum, and it is getting even more awesum! seriously you have to keep this one up to date !! oh yeah, I think 50000 blessing is a little too much if you dont cheat..
      1. marinating
        I'll probably lower the Blessing cost of Gods in the next update.
        Jun 20, 2011
      2. Henkjehh
        tnx or you can make a config file to just set however you want to ;D
        Jun 20, 2011
    13. Henkjehh
      you are busy with minor gods aren't you? Just one question: is it harder to code all the things or to just imagine what their powers should be?
      1. marinating
        It depends on what the powers are, so I'd say about half and half. Sometimes if I'm uninspired, coding the actually god is really fast once I come up with an idea. Other times I have great ideas and the hard part is putting them into working code.
        Jun 19, 2011
      2. Henkjehh
        tnx, I thought maybe I can help with getting ideas. Tell me if i can help!
        Jun 19, 2011
    14. urisesu
      Hey, Hi!
      In Demigod plugins, i can't choose a lineage, when i click in iron block nothing happens, what sould i do?D:
      1. View previous comments...
      2. marinating
        have you used permissions before?
        Jun 19, 2011
      3. urisesu
        no ):
        can you add me in msn?D:
        Jun 19, 2011
      4. marinating
        what's your MSN name?
        Jun 19, 2011
    15. Henkjehh
      Demigod is very very epic. Reminds me a bit of Age of Mythology. I've read much books about greek mythology, and this was exactly what I really wanted to have ;D

      EDIT: one thing, how do i change my god/titan if i have already chosen one?
      1. Rossy
        If you are the Admin, to give yourself (or someone else) another god/titan, type: /givedeity [playername] [deity]
        and to remove a deity from yourself type: /removedeity [playername] [deity]
        Jun 18, 2011
      2. marinating
        Rossy is right. Make sure that if you're switching from God to Titan or vice versa you remove all deities first. Example if you have Zeus and Poseidon and want Cronus, remove Zeus and Poseidon before giving yourself Cronus.
        Jun 18, 2011
    16. DChen
      Hey, how do you turn off targeting mode for Hades, i type in /target and it just says targeting mode is already enabled.
      1. One Epic QuaiI
        One Epic QuaiI
        You have to target something after typing /target.
        Also, try binding that command to an item
        /target bind
        while holding said item.
        Jun 17, 2011
      2. marinating
        Quail knows what's up
        Jun 17, 2011
    17. dragonkiller
      can you give the gods more powers??
      1. marinating
        I can add more gods.
        Jun 16, 2011
      2. dragonkiller
        Jun 16, 2011
    18. hoffm59
      Hi, I'm a big fan of your ObserverCube and I would like to know if you already startet the overhaul of it?
      1. marinating
        I've been working on that, and I've reached an interesting issue where it's too efficient. ObserverCube works because it lags just enough that when you jump, it catches up to you and moves up. My new cube moves up so fast that your jump isn't finished, and it detects the tiny downwards part of your jump and moves back down to the original position. This is the only bug left; when I fix it I can release.
        Jun 16, 2011
    19. Sorcerer
      I just wanted to say that Demigods looks like it will be amazing! Are you actively developing it? I hope so.
      1. marinating
        Yup, that and a redo of an old plugin of mine are my current projects.
        Jun 14, 2011
      2. Sorcerer
        Glad to hear it, good luck!
        Jun 15, 2011
    20. matthayez011
      i was wondering if you could help me with a small plugin idea i have

      it would be fairly easy i think

      say someone destroys a tall grass block it would come back after X amount of seconds. the amount of time could be set in a config file
      1. marinating
        Jun 4, 2011
      2. matthayez011
        can you send me the link?
        Jun 5, 2011
    21. matthayez011
      Alright sweet!
    22. matthayez011
      An even better way though would be to have a command like /chest makes whatever block you sent down have the same properties of a chest when right clicked. It's alright if you are to busy or don't want to do this
      1. marinating
        It's possible but will take a bit of time. I'm working on some easy plugins at the moment but when I have a chance I'll try this. Probably the weekend if not a little later, since I've got quite a bit going on with school too.
        May 17, 2011
    23. matthayez011
      I was wondering if there is anyway you could make a plugin that when your in /fridge or /mode and you set a chest it shows up as an iron block but when right clicked opens up a chest. And possibly doing the same for when your in /cabinet mode or /cab mode and you place a chest it shows up as a wood piece but when rigt clicked is a chest.
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