Please fix the citizens 1!! have Quester better , Denizen no!
fullwall aPunch Please i love the quest on Citizens 1.2 please fix the problem :( #76 -> Citizens 1.1.2 /npc namecolor alphabet color...
I I can't download ... the link is broken , i use Citizens 1.2.1
BUG Citizens 1.2 the progess report quest doesn't show!!! i cant see what should i do in the quest
fullwall BUG! the Progress report for the Quest doesn't show it!!! please fix!
BUG! the Progress report for the Quest doesn't show it!!! please fix!
Umh doesn't working npc name color for &a,&c&b,&e&d
tyy <3
How i can restriction map for my pvp server x 50.000 z 50000 how i can do? help! EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button...
EDIT: Working Can you add more power? example lightning command fireball please!!! <3 Please add in the config you can set the time of the power...
Hi... there are 1 plugin can have the channel function working? herochat doesn't work
Separate names with a comma.