do the logic IC's have a small delay in output in this new build 0.87, its hard to tell with my laggy client
you have to change to volatility and i think make the item float with the float tag. and the sales tax is just the difference between the buy...
awesome, will be waiting for the release :)
lmao ive been making so many complicated things i didnt even realize that. im almost sure craftbook doenst have an OR IC, now that you mentioned...
Hello, would it be possible for you to add the bit wise OR IC to the list :) thanks in advanced
are you using the same formula as haloinverse to calculate the dynamic prices?
Hello, would it be possible for you to add an IC that compares 2 inputs. For example a>b, a=b, a<b, all of those would be possible outputs for the...
can some one help me with setting up a full adder i have no idea hot to build it. thanks in advance
hi i just noticed something weird on my netstats table, it does not record any value for distance,mobskilled,join date, playerkilled. i have cb...
nope nada did not work, any other suggestions?
ok thanks :) will try now
hi i have tonwy v 0.54, cb 556 im having this problem where all users can open door on any property even unclaimed. the setting are on denyAll for...
thanks :)
is there any way for a user to be able to make 2 towns?
this is greatness it works very well, any way to store the actual buy/sell prices on the DB?
Separate names with a comma.