thx but a link in the wiki would be helpful for all ;)
A color table for the chatsuffixes would be great i always need to search...
I will test it... Another point I realized is that the trains disappear after reboot...
Disabling Creeper seem to have no effect....
Single Cart with one passenger
Single Carts on powered rails have now too less power they just go too slow. Tried to increase it in the config but did not work...
Does only work if the players are op for me. Using newest PermissionsEx... And overwrites the bedspawn :(
Running the latest dev build and realized that I cant build blocks in spawnarea but break it. Is it a Bug?
Will it be updated? Causes Exception right now! 16:00:34 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling Zeus v0.8 (Is it up to date?): null...
Thanks works ;)
strange... the version i downloaded didnt ship the Permission.jar But the Download on their side does. zero-conf then?
Does not work with PermissionsEx 06:56:42 [INFO] [PermissionsEx] Superperms support enabled. 06:56:42 [INFO] [PermissionsEx] v1.14 enabled...
Well anyway my point is that searching on this page is not as easy as it should be. Btw: Thanks for the hint didnt realized that. What do you...
Challenge: Find Plugin by Name.... example: Find "Permissions 3.x" in under 1 Minute ... sorry but for quick lookup the commands i always search...
Pointing to sky or unloaded chunks teleports on bedrock level
Separate names with a comma.