Thanks, this is just what I needed! But just wondering, will this overwrite the respawn points of players if they slept in a bed?
Hooray! I'm glad to see that the tutorial is finished! Everything worked perfectly for me, but just a question. If I have something like a...
You either typed in your IP address wrong, or you didn't port forward yet.
Alright, thanks! I'll be waiting for that tutorial then :)
This is my chatmanager config: [spoiler] Help please =/ EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Hello everyone. I have a problem with the PermissionsEx ChatManager, where the certain groups I have aren't getting the desired prefixes. I have 3...
Thanks, I understand now : )
Thanks, maim! It worked! But could you please tell me what I was doing wrong so I know for future reference? Thanks :)
Thank you Logan and Zero. I will try removing the lines with "false" and remove "true" from the other lines. I will post back what the results...
Hello everybody, I installed PermissionsEx on my server and have been having a few problems with it. First of all, I assigned myself and my friend...
Hello everyone. I am new at server making and I just recently began to make my first advanced server. However, I have been getting lots of...
This tutorial is helpful, except I have been trying to set up iConomy using PermsEX and have been running into a lot of trouble (It's my first...
Separate names with a comma.