I tested it with this Build and the newest version of WorldEdit, and it worked fine. ....intressting... Did you forget to copy the plugin into...
I updated my mod for bukkit 1.2.4 and the newest WorldEdit-version. I also use now WEPIF as permissionhandler.
The downloadlink works now, thanks for using my plugin :)
It's still working fine on my server
What's the size of your maze? Bukkit and Worldedit version?
@coleman8: worldedit.minemaze.maze @Schlumpf: I use Worldguard to protect the maze Hmm, that's a good idea, and it's possible, but currently i'm...
Added an alternate downloadlink
I updated the plugin :) The newest RB and the newest WorldEdit-Version
@ParadoXz, @snorkelstink I fixed the downloadlink ;)
Yes, only one way out of the maze. Maybe I add a Mazegenerator with more possibilitys to solve the maze, but i think one way is enought ;)...
@White_Hacker, @KoBro12, @smackman17 I updated the plugin for Bukkit 1185. I hope i fixed all bugs, but i also added a new Permissionshandler, if...
@Eminam interesting bug, really What did you do exactly? How big was the area? With which Parameters did you execute the command? Worldedit...
i use the flag "allowed-cmds=kill" ;)
thats the defaultmaze, but you can use 4 generators
Separate names with a comma.