OPs normally have the ability to just smack them as if they were their own to unlock them, it does require some legwork but otherwise still works
you know I will ^w^ Also I tried to add it before you replied but I did make an edit to my last post sorry XP
awesome thanks, and in your config file it said to set the item number to 0 if I wanted it turned off, does that mean there's no more need for...
Holy cow! I never got an alert that this updated OoO *downloads* Quick question as I'm setting up the mod currently. I noticed none of them...
Hey it's me again. Still using this plugin on my server, and with the addition of your sign shops I've made a server shop that buys and sells...
recommended build for bukkit is out..... *holds breath* only a matter of time now OwO
yay forward progression! :D
awesome and whatever you're thinking the issue is looks like it's on the right track, I tried going back and forth between the chest suck function...
Sure, I'll let you know how that runs
no but it doesn't occur when no one is on. It only seems to occur when a chunk with a locked item is loaded. not sure if that helps or not. Also...
everything is still working fine for me as far as this plugin goes just a random way it functions that has caused some irritation on my server....
So edit to my last claim, turns out I just had to move about a bit more and the exact same error as my last post started coming up again. Am I the...
I'm finding it really hard to patiently wait for this mod XP I'm just too damned excited about it. Random question one of my user's asked me. If...
So using your beta I still get this [spoiler] for hahas I'm going to delete my settings and see if it's just something going on with those...
yeah why not, nothing to lose I guess
Separate names with a comma.