Oh, thanks, I'll have a look at it :)
... hence the comfort on-the-fly checks while spawning attempts bare ;). At least I don't want to make a region for every remote house or village...
Exactly the way to do. Pays off anytime I take the time to just check out new builds before going live with'em :D .
Hmmm, I wonder if that might a good question to ask the developers on bukkit dev? </hint>
... and Afforess forked it already, spicing it up to his liking, called "Palantir" *g*. Anyhow, bMiniMap works better for me, as Palantir's map is...
No offense, but try this http://lmgtfy.com/?q=spout.org+bminimap
Are there alterantives to cancelling the spawns, negating the effect of trying to spawn that mob again right away? Something like setting the mob...
Thanks a lot :)
Neither the Dropbox nor Mediafire link on your website is working :( Edit: Well, you got the target for your links a little bit wrong, e.g.:...
Seems like it's dead. But it still works great for me in this pretty old 1185 version.
romobomo You've got mail ;)
Thanks for your reply. I forgot to mention that we have Spout and, of course, are using the Spoutcraft client aswell (just might add that to...
Plugin category: MISC Suggested name: Maybe "ForWhomTheBellTolls"? ;-) A bit about me: I'm a minecraft player and server owner since middle of...
Yes, please update :)
I, too, would like to see an update :).
Separate names with a comma.