i was unaware of that plugin, thank you
Yes I know of TPack and the simple cuboid, but I had one that could replace blocks of a certain type AND fill areas... the creator seems to have...
no one seems to pay attention to his profile where he states how to download.... Again im posting the link...
I seem to have run into a slight problem... the /world remove command just returns "Invalid World, Possible worlds are the numbers 0 through 3....
well now i am also getting the error with it becoming air, its also happening when i restart the plugin... cuboid is no longer fixing the blocks...
Hello, Im sorry if you already posted a response to a problem like this, but I have a slight problem with this amazingly awsome plugin... When i...
The download ling is not working for me ether. that website seems to be down, as other links that lead there dont work ether. Perhaps the file...
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