Well, i gave up already on permissionsbukkit and moved to permissionsEX :/
Thanks for helping me, my permissionsex works now :P Anyways, is there a command that can set inheritance for a higher group than default? So i...
Hi. Me and my friend is almost giving up. We have been downloading 3 different permission plugins now, and they still don't work. So this time i...
But it didn't work. Default couldn't even use those commands. Is it because i have the "1337 recommended build" ? And do i have to download those...
Oh, thanks. Does this look right? I haven't tested it, because my friend isn't online atm, and i can't get acces to the remote desktop on our paid...
Could someone reply to me what is wrong with this: # PermissionsBukkit configuration file # # A permission node is a string like...
Oh cmon! I have been having this problem for 5 days now! Could someone PLEASE help me? :S I tried to google it, and a few people had the same...
Does this work even if you have the "1337 recommended build" installed?
Hi. My permissionsEX plugin doesn't work, it gives me this error at logs: org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing...
OH, Thanks :D
i know, but i want them to have all the commands execpt the ones that i wrote down. I don't want to search for all the nodes of my plugins, what...
Hi. I have permissionsEX on my server. I have groups set up, and they have the permission - '*' I want them to do just about anything execpt for...
java -version java version "1.5.0" gij (GNU libgcj) version 4.4.5 Installed it a few weeks ago, so it should be new.
Which .bat file?
Hi. Me and my friend is trying to make a Bukkit server. Everything went fine right untill we tried to start the server. It gave us this weird...
Separate names with a comma.