I think with OwnBlocks.info you have sufficient ability to see who owns what blocks. I like to be able to keep the ownership secret if I like and...
It only regenerates a new config if the Database.db is not present or renamed, I would consider this a bug really, as anyone updating would not...
You forgot to add the default OwnBlocks.properties to the jar with the updates.
Well, continuing that logic they should own their doors also ... which means more locks ... I believe owning as far as breaking them is concerned...
Nice work on this, loving it.
There's a couple alternative, cookiemonster being one and mobbounty being another. Both are no where near as complete or have the features of...
wow, great ideas from everyone, but I wonder if ownblocks should try to be a "do all" plugin, there's already a lot of ways to lock chests with...
Fluffs fixed version of this plugins works just fine for me in cb766 with essentials eco, I haven't tried it for iConomy but others have suggested...
If you've had a crash, or had to stop the server anyway other that inputting the "stop" command, the ownblocks database file can become corrupt or...
I'd like to see this support http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/register-now-accepting-all-payment-methods-economy-api-stable.16849/ so I can use...
http://theawesomefiles.com/files/ecoCreature.zip <== Fluffs update version....
Fluff updated ecoCreature temproarily till Chris returns, it seems to be fine.
Also, could you allow hooks for ecoCreature to handle rewards, or even other plugins like mobbounty? Would be pretty cool to have these working...
I'd like this to allow ecoCreature to give the rewards, but for some reason it can't pass the event, if you wouldn't mind looking into that I'd be...
Separate names with a comma.