I've tried on home host. With a few plugins, that doesn't work anyway.
Doesn't work. In the log all works! The group name is right, i don't know what i've to do.
What do you mean with "try edit the regular essentialschat format and see if it changes anything"?
How can i fix? :(
I haven't ChatManager. This is the screen: [IMG]
Doesn't work :(
I've a problem with EssentialsChat, that is which if i want to set a coloured chat for a group, it doesn't work. This is the group in my...
Yes, i have modify world installed...
No errors, simply it doesn't work.
Try to add "modifyworld.*" permission ;), and if you have EssentialsAntiBuild delete it!
Hy guys, i have problem with Permissions EX plugin. The problem is that if i disable the placement of a block, it doesn't work. This is my...
Separate names with a comma.