@timtower Have a gui that accepts items and want to make sure the player doesn't lose the items they put into it if the server goes down mid...
Thank you, I think the best way is to just use the onDisable to "trigger" it and do what needs to be done. Disable runs on a crash right?
Hello, My question is if the InventoryCloseEvent will fire during a server crash or during a server shutdown. Thank you, Jo
I want to cancel a teleportation from happening withing a 4 second time delay if the play moves. I have the ability to know if the player movies...
I am trying to capture a list of arguments followed by a command from argument 2 until the end of the command. For example: /say THIS IS WHAT I...
Hey, I need to simply get the max amount of players allowed in the sever a in the form of an integer and Bukkit.getServer().getMaxPlayers() is not...
Yes . Your telling it to put the health below the name, so you can modify what it puts there.
@Zombie_Striker I'm not using multiworld, i want to have my plugin standalone.
@GamingMeatheadHD Try making a simple statement that is something like, if health = 20 then input into the scoreboard as 20, or if health is 0...
@_Filip Firstly thanks you for that. @Zombie_Striker Secondly thanks for responding, They are different world files forgot to mention that.
Hey, Don't know where to start, i need a to be able to pick a map(pre-made), which i know how to do, althou, the loading, unloading, and...
@GamingMeatheadHD Post the rest of the file, If the health is displaying as a 0 when it is at 100% then it is an issue somewhere else.
@sandlin006 But .. Whats the issue ?
@Konato_K Thank you for your help. I figure it out. Now, i figured out how to add a header and footer to the tab list using protocolLib, Anyone...
@Konato_K I am working with 1.8 but thank you anyway. @mine-care Looking into that, Have a link?
Separate names with a comma.