Yo dude, I've got some ideas for DwarfCraft and a lot of free time. If you teach me how to mod it, I can make the changes for you to look at.
Java as a whole. ...By which I mean programming as a whole xD Is there a website I can go to for the basics so you don't have to teach me every itty bitty little thing?
Well google is your friend generally the sun/oracle site has some good tutorials on everything (i usually find it on google) or if your prefer a more interactive way i suggest TheNewBoston or NewBoston on youtube he also does some great java tutorials.
Well some people play on i81's tekkit server otherwise i don't know where the rest are. ip: i81u812.tk
Yeah but I try to connect it says I need a forestry mod so my tekkit is messed up I guess :l Nice chatting with you again.