Heirteir I don't believe you can. Have you checked through all the sounds? Maybe it's BLAZE_BREATH?
sp30032 What exactly does the stacktrace say? Freelix2000 could be right, however I think this is more of an indentation issue. I'm not exactly...
Vamp_Guy Group chat color, as in their speech?
TheHolySheep_NL Can I see the stacktrace?
OracleTarget Use LeavesDecayEvent! EDIT: Jhtzb beat me to it! :(
mattibijnens Do you mean if the target was hit by a player, then died from fall damage?
juffatoot For future reference, make sure to mark your thread as solved is your problem has been resolved!
CruelCoin You should be fine, however, make sure to keep a backup just incase something goes wrong. Stuff like that is bound to happen.
MegaCow2011 It was changed in a recent update when they re-did the multiplayer menu. (Server icons, extra MOTD line, fixed ping, etc)
Sam991 I've had this problem as well and WorldGuard doesn't seem to cut it. Try fiddling around with FrameProtect. It should work just fine.
popcorn1012345 To add onto what adam753 said: when posting your code, make sure to use some sort of pasting website such as this one. Not only...
Stackoverload You aren't even using the LeatherArmorMeta class. Take a look at what GameplayJDK said. Here's an example of how it could be used:...
ehArcher Also, here's a good tip: to use multiple ChatColors in a message, you can simply do "ChatColor.RED.toString() + ChatColor.BOLD + "";"...
Blue_Blaze72 Are you 100% sure there is no stacktrace? Double check your main class path for spelling and capitalization. It seems kind of long...
ehArcher Oh my apologies. I thought that it's what you wanted. Loop through all the players on the server, then check if they're OP. If so,...
Separate names with a comma.